Almost Daily Fraggle Rock Quotations: Week 19

Hi folks! Lisa the Intern here with a small batch of Almost Daily Fraggle Rock Quotations for you. Sadly, I have entered that crazy time of the semester when everything has to happen at the same time, so Quotations have not been able to be my main priority... but here's what I've got!

Wonder Mountain: "Is he okay?" "...He has NEVER been okay." --Wembley and Boober Fraggle

Red's Blue Dragon: "Now I'm just upside-down, inside-out, falling down, turn-about. What I mean, where I've been, people don't know!" --Red Fraggle

Space Frog Follies: "I'm not a stick in the mud. I'm a lump in the laundry!" --Gobo Fraggle

See? Cute little batch. I'll try to have more next time. But until then, dance your cares away, folks!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier