The Muppet Mindset Goes to D23

Greetings, Muppet fans! As some of you surely know, this coming weekend, August 19-21, is the Disney D23 Expo in Anaheim, California. Well, we're excited to announce something that some of you also probably know... our own Ryan Dosier (hey, that's me!) will be in attendance at the event on all three days on the lookout for Muppety happenings, products, and more, as well as cavorting with the likes of comic book artists Amy Mebberson (Muppet Peter Pan) and James Silvani (Muppet King Arthur) and any and all Muppet fans who want to be cavorted with.

If you will be in attendance at the Expo as well, be sure to keep an eye out for Ryan. If you spot him (me), be sure to say hello--I'd love to chat with you! I'll be wearing a Muppet t-shirt every day of the Expo, including a t-shirt promoting The Muppet Mindset on Saturday the 20th. For a refresher of what Ryan looks like, see the picture at right (he's the one that isn't covered in orange fur and isn't Fran Brill).

Of course most fans won't be lucky enough to attend the Expo this year--but feat not! We've got you covered! By simply following The Muppet Mindset on Twitter (@MuppetMindset), you'll have access to Ryan's experinces at the Expo as if you were there (and could only communicate in 140 characters or less). If you don't have a Twitter, or just don't feel like getting one, you can also Like themuppetmindset on Facebook where our very own British Correspondent or Lisa the Intern will be updating it regularly with Mupp-dates from Twitter.

Speaking of T.B.C., it turns out no one else could (or would) watch over the blog while I'm away, so he'll be keeping an eye on it. I've warned him about his past behavior (read: my cat) and he's assured me that nothing he posts about the Muppets will be in anyway up to par with his previous efforts. I don't really know what that means... but he said it in a British accent, so I just shrugged and agreed.

But anyway... I'm off tonight and spending all day in Disneyland tomorrow, so the updates start then! Be on the lookout and I hope to see some of you at the D23 Expo this weekend! Have a good one, Muppet fans!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier