During the attacks on 9/11, what we saw on television had many of us open mouthed and completely shocked at what we were looking at.  I remember thinking, it just couldn't be.

Many Americans like me were angry and wanted to know who was responsible.  And yes, many of us wanted to retaliate right then and there with the full fury of our most deadly weapons that sit in our arsenal.

Of course, many of us watched television and cried.  Many many of us cried that day, and many days ever since.

Seeing the pictures of the World Trade Towers aflame, we watched intently in horror.  That is, as intently as we could.

Many of us then turned away when the Americans - who were inside those buildings - starting jumping to their death instead of being burned alive.

Yes, sometimes the horror was too much to watch.

For me, I didn't know if the towers would come down.  News people on television all talked about it and speculated on and on about it happening.  I remember hoping it wouldn't.

Fireman had run into the buildings.  Brave good men who I hoped would pull everyone out and we'd then move on and work to find out who would be so Satan-like as to do this.

I watched as the First Responders kept coming, but I honestly didn't think the towers would come down.  I didn't know if they would, but I guess I was really praying to Almighty God that they wouldn't. 

Death and destruction everywhere.  The rescuers helpless against the weight of the attack.  Even that small symbol of hope, small Saint Nicholas Church, that little church that stood beside the World Trade Center towers - it too was buried. 

Despair swept over everyone, yet the job of recovering anyone alive was at hand. While others ran from the dust of the total disintegration of those towering buildings, Firemen and other Rescuers again came forth.

Now their job was to put out the fires and search for those alive.

Out of the death, the ruin, and the rubble, a Cross appeared in the aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11/2001.  It was as if it were a sign.

It just appeared out of nowhere.  The steel structure was riped away from it, and it stood in a place open and solitary.  No one put it there, or erected it somehow.

That's right, it simply appeared.  Many there thought it as a miracle, a sign of hope, and it gave them a small comfort to know that God has not abandoned us. 

It rose above the rubble.  It rose to give those there hope and comfort.

No one put it up because the fact is that everyone was too busy at the time to put up a cross. Everyone was on a recovery mission to save lives.  There simply was no time. Time became something that no one wasted. 

The cross revealed itself when needed and gave many there hope during the bleakest of days following 9-11.  The grueling task of trying to find survivors went inch by inch for days, until yes it turned into a job to identify those lost. 

Many have never been accounted for.  It became clear that there was simply nothing left of them.  Their souls had been taken.

During the attack, millions upon millions of people around the world watched 9/11 unfold.

Like many others around the world, Palestinians in the Middle East were among those who watched the attacks and the destruction, the lost of American lives, the heroic efforts, and those gallant people who will never be with us again.

The difference became clear.  While others around the world watched in disbelief that such an attack had taken place, the Palestinians had a different response.

They rejoiced!

After seeing the broadcast on their televisions, Palestinians in the Middle East celebrated and danced in their streets.  All happy at what their brother Muslims had done.  All celebrated the deaths of Americans, all in the name of Allah or Mohammad or some other evil they listen to.

Fact is that the Muslim terrorists who attacked us on that day were treated as Heroes in most, if not all, of the Muslim world.

We found out later that Saudi Arbia was behind the funding for those Muslim terrorists.  And yes, in the Muslim world, those terrorists were Heroes for what they did. 

And yes, the Muslim terrorist did their job well.  Actually, too well!

The Muslim terrorists were able to strike a blow at America that laid destruction and death to thousands.  Then, maybe unknowingly, at the same time simultaneously they united and educated America. 

America may not have known very much about Islam and how ruthless Muslims are prior to 9/11, but the did that day. 

We learned what Islam, their so-called "religion of peace," is really all about.  Like many Americans, all that I care to know about Islam - I learned on 9/11.  

In fact, I can truthfully say that I learned almost everything that I needed to know about Islam on 9/11.  Those who attacked us and those who celebrated at our sorrow, they taught me everything that I'd ever want to know about such a blood-thirsty religion.

Since 9/11, with everything that has taken place since that horrible day, with all of the many Muslim suicide bombers, all of the Muslims killing of all of the innocent men and women.  And yes, the killing of children, the Muslim desire to wage mass destruction, the beheadings, the death threats - yes, I'd say that that is all enough evidence for me to come to only one conclusion ...  

Islam is as evil as anything that has ever roamed the earth.

As as far as I can see, it seems that more Muslims, than not, have proved themselves to be enemies of the United States then otherwise.

Even those who have sworn an oath as soldiers in the U.S. Army - yes, they too have murdered other American Soldiers all in the name of their so-called "religion of peace."

Want proof? Look at the actions of American soldiers who are Muslim who have rtried to kill fellow American soldiers.  See what Muslims call loyalty and honor.

Look at the Hasan Karim Akbar who in 2003 willfully on his own threw four hand grenades into three tents early one morning when the most troops were asleep.   He then continued his terrorist attack by firing his rifle at others during the ensuing chaos.  He was a part of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division at Camp Pennsylvania, in Kuwait.  He is a Muslim.

In 2004, Marine Corporal Wassef Ali Hassoun was charged with deserting his post in Iraq. The military believes he is hiding in Lebanon.  He is a Muslim.

And how about the Fort Hood terrorist attack where a Muslim soldier, and an Officer no less, Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan wantonly and senselessly killed 12 people and wounded 31 others.   Screaming "Allah Akbar" during his terrorist attack, thankfully he was finally shot and wounded.  He is a Muslim. 

Then just within the last few months, Army PFC Nasser Abdo who was arrested for planning an attack on Fort Hood personnel in an effort to mimic his Muslim brother Nidal Malik Hasan.

These were American Soldiers who took an oath to protect and defend the United States and our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  Instead their so called "religion of peace' told them to kill other soldiers and betray America. 

They have no loyalty other than to Islam. 

Yes, the plots, the lies, the hate, has only reinforced my belief that the Muslim religion is one of hate and murder.  It is certainly not the "religion of peace" that they are trying to sell themselves off as. 

Islam teaches their followers to be mindless stooges, dumb and dishonorable, angry and murderous.  They do some of the most disgusting acts known to man, behead, torture, mutilate, and yes - they use their children as weapons and shields.

Muslims are cowards, impostors, schemers, traitors, hypocrites, and murderers, all for nothing more than a chance to appease some angry religion that seems to only preach hate, murder and the love of blood.

It amazes me that so many Muslims will stoop so low as to arm their own children with bombs to attack the unarmed and innocent.  It is a sick mind that will use children as human weapons and shields. 

I find it appalling that they would even use their own children, nevertheless use them as weapons to pursue a path of death all in the name of some evil that they have the nerve to call a "Prophet." 

"The Prophet of Death" maybe, but certainly not life!  

And don't fool yourself into thinking that its not happening, fact is that Muslim children start their indoctrination into their religion of hate at birth.   It is said that within their first 6 years, that they will have hooked their children on the hate of Islam - no different than if they were hooked on heroin. 

I can only hope that the Muslim world will one day say, "Enough is enough!"

But, I don't see it happening really.

For example, take this recent post in an American Muslim website, which says,

"Al Qaeda attacked America on 9/11 (and before 9/11) in response to American support for Muslim dictatorships in the Muslim world, American support for Israel, and direct American military involvement in the Muslim world (including in Saudi Arabia and Iraq) dating back to the first Gulf War." 

Does that sound like an apology for what Muslims believe in or do?  No it doesn't.  It sounds like they are in agreement with those who attacked us on 9/11.

Muslim terrorists are fanatics and zealots, these crazies, these murderers, feel compelled to confront people with different beliefs and aggressively denounce them as "wrong" or "bad."

Then they use their Quran which espouses a backwards ideology to threaten those unwilling to convert to their beliefs or conform to their demands.  After their threats to kill them.  Yes, they want to kill those who don't believe as they do.   It's just that simple. 

It's just that simple to them.  And yes, they believe that its OK. Why? Well, they believe that their violence is OK because they believe "Allah is forgiving and merciful." In a pig's ear! 

Where the Christian Bible preaches Hope, Faith, and Love, fact is that the Quran preaches death and love of killing.  It instructs their followers to do harm and spill blood.   Throughout their so-called Holy Book, their Quran, there are passages calling for murder.   

Quran (8:12) "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" 

They believe in killing those who they consider "non-believers." 

They call them "Infidels" which means "ones without faith."  And yes, fact is that Muslim extremists have applied the term to all non-Muslims.  Mohammad is said to have slaughter "unbelievers" and masterminded over 60 massacres. I seems that many Muslims want to emulate Mohammad.

Yes, my friends, that is what I've learned about Islam since 9/11.

But that's not all that I've learned since that horrible day, there's more.

Like many Americans it was the first time in my life that I saw Americans united in that way.  So yes, we have it in us to unite.

And I know that it didn't last, but I blame liberal Hollywood and the liberal National Media for that.  I learned soon after 9/11 just how self-serving the liberal News Media truly is.

After a day when most Americans paused and took notice, and yes watched the horrendous unfold live on television, I would have never thought that there would later be Americans like the Micheal Moore leftist types of Hollywood, or the Dixie Chicks of Country Music, or the College and University Teachers and Professors who came out in support of the Muslim terrorists - saying that they believed that we deserved being attacked.  

Imagine that.

I would have never believed that the Liberal Left in America would become the enemy of our nation as it as shown itself to be.  And yes, that is one of the things that I've learned since 9/11. 

I never thought that I'd see the day when top Democrat Politicians would meet with and literally embrace Anti-American groups like Code Pink who openly said that they "support the murder of our troops." 

Yes, since 9/11, I've learned that Liberals can be as vicious as Muslims, "radical" or otherwise, when attacking America. The only difference is that they don't physically kill other Americans.

No, they instead tear at America's morale and like weasels they try to undermine the strengths and virtues of America. And no, I've not forgotten the hatred from the left that was demonstrated in those liberal anti-War/anti-American protests.

I remember well when the Liberals protested against our troops and actually supported those who want to kill Americans. Yes, they have given support to those who have taken every opportunity to hinder our troops' ability to fight and win. 

Like many other Americans, I learned that far left liberals and their conspiracy theorists, and yes their control of the National News Media - sans Fox News - has actually attempted to turn the American people against the mission ahead of us. 

Like a "Fifth Column," the far left liberals in America have appeared to work tirelessly to undermine America's efforts to remain free while staying safe, and yes I really believe that liberals work against America and for the enemy in many cases. 

Want proof?  Look at the New York Times publishing our Nation's classified information.  And how about that Gay American Soldier who placed his loyalty for his sexual preference and the liberal cause over America's safety when he leaked classified documents to Wiki-leaks. 

Liberals, like Muslims, are not to be trusted.

It is no wonder that Franklin D Roosevelt censored the News on radio and in the papers and what was being said on film during World War II.   It is no wonder that FDR set up a department to screen all movie scripts that might have been detrimental to the War Effort.  I now understand it.

Since 9/11, I have come to believe that like it or not it is our mission to stomp out terrorist overseas before they can come here and recreate their death and destruction here.

Since 9/11, I have learned that the liberal News Media sees America as the aggressor.  I have learned that they do not think that those who have attacked us are of evil bastards as they are. 

And yes, the liberal left even wants to give rights to those who want to attack us in the future.  Rights reserved for citizens and soldiers, but not terrorists.

Unbelievable as it is, it's true.

I've learned since 9/11 that a liberal Newspapers like the New York Times would publish articles that hurt America and possibly aid the enemy when they publish sensitive material that may undermine our national security.

I guess they have shown themselves to put profit ahead of protecting and supporting Americans and our troops.  Too bad their actions haven't worked out so well for them.

It seems that the American people have stopped buying the leading liberal paper in the nation.  It makes me wonder if they've actually figured out that they are in financial trouble because their paper assaults most Americans - the very people they ask to buy it.

Because I see the New York Times as openly hostile to America, well, I don't think their paper is fit to line a cat box.

And yes, the lessons haven't stopped.

Today I found out that that an Atheist Group wants to take down the 9/11 Cross, and have it removed from the 9/11 Memorial.  The very cross that was recently placed in the 9/11 Memorial is now offending the liberal left. Imagine that.

According to, dated 7/27/2011:

"An atheist group has filed a lawsuit seeking to prevent a cross made out of World Trade Center steel beams from going on display at the 9/11 Memorial Museum.  American Atheists sued this week in state court arguing that the group opposes the placement of the cross in the museum because members believe it is the only religious article getting special accommodation there.  The cross, made of two intersecting steel beams, was found standing in the rubble of the World Trade Center following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."

The article finishes by quoting 9/11 Memorial President Joe Daniels, who said, "This steel remnant became a symbol of spiritual comfort for the thousands of recovery workers who toiled at ground zero, as well as for people around the world.  In the historical exhibition, the cross is part of our commitment to bring back the authentic physical reminders that tell the story of 9/11 in a way nothing else can.”

He said it much better than I could have.  Fact is that the 9/11 cross is an "authentic physical reminder that tells the story of 9/11 in a way nothing else can.”

Just as the following moments that were caught on film are all part of 9/11, so is the 9/11 Cross!   


Yes, as we all know, there were others who died on 9/11.  There are others who the  9/11 cross stands for.   Others who were murdered by Muslim terrorists. 

They went to their deaths into The Pentagon and into a field in Pennsylvania.   They went to their death because of Muslim hate and Islam's love of blood.   Yes, they were like those who died in the World Trade Towers, they were the innocent and most vulnerable.  

To Muslims, they were the perfect targets. 

Unlike American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines who will fight and kill them, Muslims are cowards who attack the helpless and the unarmed.   Maybe that's what Islam preaches? 

It probably does.  After all, on 9/11, I learned that Islam is a cowardly cult made up of mostly yellow dogs.