Neil you fuckin' dick, I'm way better at blogging that I am at life, though mostly because I haven't blogged. That's about to change though, and I aim to become equally terrible at both.
I'm gonna try to find for the blog, on a semi-regular basis, video of people losing their cool, or wigging out, as it were.
I've been watching this one a lot over the past few weeks:
Highights include spin-around phone toss; apologizing for smoking a reporter in the face (0:54), who can then be seen leaving the room bleeding; using the phrase "Put that in your fuckin' pipe and smoke it!" (which needs to be used more, imho); and most importantly: it was his own office. What a guy!
Also,here's nice song:
Peter Richard - Walking in the Neon
There Neil, I posted. Now, put that in your fuckin' pipe and smoke it!